GRAM Knowledge Base

Welcome to GRAM Digital Controllers knowledge base! Find guides, troubleshooting steps and tutorials to help you set up and use our digital controllers and accessories.

Please note that this knowledge base is continuously being updated and refined.

Information gathered from the Official GRAM Digital Controllers Discord and the open-source community is empowering this site. Please leverage the search feature above for keywords or specific queries. The built-in AI will navigate the repository to aid your search. Should you require further help, the "Create a Support Ticket" option is available at the bottom left corner for direct support.

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AI-Assisted Support

This Knowledge Base utilizes AI to make it easier to learn more about your GRAM products. Looking for something in particular? Simply type your question and let our AI provide personalized, precise answers. If your query is not found, try searching for your topic in the form of a question. For any other support issues that are not covered in this Knowledge Base, please start a #support-ticket in our Discord.

In need of a support ticket to talk to GRAM Support directly? If you're in need of assistance and wish to communicate directly with GRAM Support, simply join our Discord and create a #support-ticket to chat with the team.

Last updated